Vision Board Kit "To my Future Self"


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Printable Goodies for your Vision Board Kit

Action Plan 




Emotion Flower


Habit Tacker


Wheel of Life


Monthly Overview


Weekly Overview


Tips for your Vision Board Poster

Your poster has some wrinkles that you would like to reduce? We have prepared a few tips for you on how you can easily reduce these wrinkles of your Vision Board Poster at home. 

1. Ironing 

Place a kitchen towel over your poster. Now iron over it without steam and not for too long. Then move the iron very carefully over the towel in circles. It is best to iron posters from the back. (Additionally, you can go over the creases with a moistened kitchen towel beforehand).

2. Weighing 

Place a weight on your Vision Board poster overnight. The poster should then be under tension to prevent new creases from forming. You can repeat this method over several nights to achieve an even better result. 

3. Frame 

Another method is to frame your finished Vision Board Poster. You can also glue the poster onto the back board of the picture frame. This way, the wrinkles will disappear over time.

Are you missing something?

If you need more templates and can't find them here, or if you have more ideas for practical templates, just send us a message to

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